
Title Details
Event Reports
1. Regulatory Framework for Infrastructure in India

This is a report of the proceedings of theseminar, “Regulatory Framework for Infrastructure in India”,organised by CUTS, in collaboration with the Planning Commission ofIndia in January 2005.The aim of the seminar was to facilitate brainstorming amongststakeholders and contribute to the Planning Commission’s ongoingwork on developing a regulatory framework for the infrastructuresector in India.
pp 68, #0507, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-056-5


2.Competition Policy and Pro-poor Development – A report of theSymposium on Competition Policy & Pro-poor Development

The paper is an outcome of a symposium onCompetition Policy & Pro-poor Development. It looks at howcompetition policy and law relate to pro-poor development.pp 72, #0319, Rs. 250 for India/US$20 for OECD countries/US$15 forothers, ISBN: 81-8722-93-X


3.Challenges in implementing a Competition Policy and Law: An Agendafor Action

This report is an outcome of the symposium held in Geneva on “Competition Policy and Consumer Interest in the Global Economy” in 2001. This publication assists in understanding the domestic as well as international challenges in respect of competition law and policy.

pp 48, #0202, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-87222-54-9


4. Investments: Consumers,Development and the Environment

This is a report of the CI-CUTS InternationalSeminar on Multilateral Frameworks for Investment, Geneva, 1996. Itcontains 10 papers from eminent experts on the issues concerninginvestment liberalisation and its impact on consumer, developmentand environmentpp 93, #9602, Rs.50/US$15, ISBN: 81-87222-03-4

5. Liberalised Trade & Fair Competition

A report of the IOCU-CUTS InternationalConference on Competition Policy in the Context of Liberalisationwith 19 papers from eminent competition practitioners and economistsfrom all over the world. It calls upon the WTO and UNCTAD to developa work programme on trade and competition; and governments toinvolve public interests groups in policy-making.pp 144, #9501, Rs.100/US$25


6. Too Big for Rules

A report ofthe IOCU-CUTS International Conference on Global Business thatcontains several documents relating to trade and TransnationalCorporations (TNCs). A comparison is made between the draft UNGuidelines for Transnational Investment, the International Chamberof Commerce’s (ICC) Guidelines for Investment and the OECDDeclaration for Multinational Enterprises.

pp 105, #9409, Rs.50/US$25


Research Reports
1.From the Bottom Up

This Report published under the 7Up3project charts out the competition scenario in seven countries inEastern and Southern Africa, viz. Botswana, Ethiopia, Malawi,Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, and Uganda, and highlights theweaknesses that require to be addressed for operationalisingcompetition regimes in them. It strongly recommends nationalgovernments to prioritise competition administration in theframework of their national development strategies to promoteeconomic development as a means to reducing poverty and inequality.  


2. Creating Regulators is not the end, the key is Regulatory Process

The study was undertaken against the backgroundthat developing countries pose unique challenges in theimplementation of regulatory regimes and experiences of developedcountries are not directly transferable to the developing world. Italso brings out that while countries have taken measures toestablish regulatory bodies, not much effort has gone to imbibe theprinciples of regulation in the regulatory process.


3. Competition Regimesin the World – A Civil Society Report



This report is a compilation that maps outcompetition regimes around the world from the civil societyperspective. It covers about 119 countries, including European Union(EU), which is a supra-national jurisdiction. Many countries coveredin the report have a competition legislation in place, while thereare others which do not have one, while some are in the process ofadopting a competition regime. The publication is primarily based onthe voluntary contributions of various International Network ofCivil Society Organisations on Competition (INCSOC) members andother experts and practitioners.Pp 696, May 2006, Rs.3000/US$150,ISBN 81-8257-064-6


4. Consumer-friendly Cable TV System

This report comes in the backdrop of an all-Indiasurvey conducted by CUTS on cable TV industry which revealed thatthe cable TV sector in the country is a seller’s market and that theconsumers are merely a puppet in the hands of operators having nosay. The report looks at various issues of concern in the cable TVsector and analyses them in the light of several survey results. Italso makes recommendations towards ensuring a consumer-friendlycable TV system.
pp 125, #0509, Rs. 100/US$15,ISBN: 81-8257-059-X


5. Towards a Functional CompetitionPolicy For India – An Overview

Edited by Pradeep S Mehta, this report comprises of 22 chapters, which highlight various systematic and sectoral issues dealing in competition in the country. The report is being published in two separate volumes. This overview version presents a brief account of competition regime in the country for busy readers. The detailed report, with a comprehensive treatment of the relevant issues/ areas pertaining to the competition scenario in India is set to be published soon.

pp 248, Rs 495/US$32.95, ISBN: 817188449-0


6. Pullingup Our Socks

This is the project report under the competition policy project (7-Up), of CUTS. The report compares the institutional framework in the project countries and analyses important issues like legal provisions, autonomy of the institutions, financial and human resources, etc.

pp 68, #0303, INR Rs.250/US$15, ISBN: 81-87222-74-3


7. Reorienting Competition Policy and Law in India

This is the India country report under the competition policy project (7-Up), of CUTS. The Report reviews the existing Competition Law & the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act (MRTP) focusing on implementation issues. This report is expected to improve awareness of this critical area of policy reform among various stakeholders.

pp 47, #0212, INR Rs.100/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-61-1


8. Enforcing Competition Law in Zambia

This is the Zambia country report under the competition policyproject (7-Up), of CUTS. The paper examines the adequacy of theCompetition and Fair Trading Act of 1995 as applied in Zambia. Anattempt has been made to relate competition law to economicdevelopment, more specifically to market liberalisation policies,consumer protection, and other sector-specific regulations.

pp 54, #0211, Zambian Kwacha (ZK) 5000/INR Rs.100/US$10 ISBN: 81-87222-67-0


9. Competition Regime in Pakistan – Waiting for a Shake-Up

The Pakistan country report under the competition policy project (7-Up), of CUTS, introduces the existing competition legislation and competition policy issues in Pakistan and gives recommendations on how to improve the legislation and enhance the capacity of the competition authority.

pp 41, #0210, Pakistani Rupees (PKR) Rs. 100/INR Rs.100/US$10 ISBN: 81-87222-63-8


10. Competition Policy & Law in South Africa – A Key Component in New Economic Governance

This is the South Africa country report under the competition policy project (7-Up), of CUTS. The report assesses the competition framework in South Africa, with a view to its effectiveness in promoting economic efficiency and consumer welfare.

pp 45, #0209, Rands (RN) 10/ INR Rs.100/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-64-6


11. Promoting Competitiveness & Efficiency in Kenya – The Role ofCompetition Policy & Law

This is the Kenya country report under competition policy project (7-Up), of CUTS. This report examines the scope and context of competition policy and law in Kenya, an assessment of Kenya’s competition law and need for the capacity building on the subject.

pp 54, #0208, Kenyan Shilling (KSH) 100/ INR Rs.100/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-62-X


12. Competition Law & Policy – A Tool for Development in Tanzania

This is the Tanzania country report undercompetition policy project (7-Up), of CUTS. The report makes acritical assessment and review of the competition regime in Tanzaniabased on the Fair Trade Practices Act of 1994 and subsequentlycreated institutions.pp 49, #0207, Tanzanian Shilling(TSH) 1000SH/ INR Rs.100/US$10 ISBN: 81-87222-66-2

13. Towards a New Competition Law in Sri Lanka

This is the Sri Lanka country report under the competition policyproject (7-Up), of CUTS. The report highlights whether the SriLankan economy is sufficiently mature to sustain an effectivecompetition policy regime and to reap the benefits that such apolicy has to offer.
pp 51, #0206, Lankan Rupee (LKR) Rs. 150/Indian Rupees (INR) Rs.100/US$10,ISBN: 81-87222-65-4

14. Analyses of theInteraction between Trade and Competition Policy

This study provides the information about the views of different countries on various issues being discussed at the working group on competition. It also discusses views of competition experts at the WTO, on the possible direction these discussions might take in the near future

pp 150, #9913, Rs.100/US$30, ISBN: 81-87222-33-6


15. The UN Code of Conduct for TNCs: Why itcollapsed…The Way Ahead

This report analysesthe reason behind the failure of UNCTC, with evidence submitted atthe Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, London, November 1994. A statementwith supporting enclosures that include several original documentsis presented in this report.pp 121, #9401, Rs. 30/US$15


16. Putting our Fears on the Table

This report provides analyses of the proposals oninvestment and competition agreements at the WTO, especially in theareas taken up and/or proposed at the Doha round for possible futurenegotiations.
pp 112, #0312, Rs.300 for India/US$25 for OECD Countries/US$15 forother, ISBN 81-87222-84-0



1. Regulation: Why and How?

This paper provides a general picture of the ‘whys’ of regulation in a market economy from consumer’s point of view.

pp 34, #9814, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-17-4


2. Role of Competition Policy in Economic

This monograph examines the role of an effective competition policy in economic development from an Indian perspective.

pp 32, # 9908, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-25-5


3. FDI, mega-mergers and strategic alliances: Is global competition accelerating development or heading towards world monopolies?

The monograph sheds light on the main contours of the global competition and its implication for consumers.

pp 24, #9909, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-26-3


4. Competition Regimes around the World

In this monograph, an attempt has been made to compile briefly, the current state of Competition Law in select countries. The paper steers clear of any value judgement on the design and implementation of the Competition Law in the countries covered.

pp 40, #2002, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-31-X


5. Globalisation, Competition Policy and International Trade Negotiations

This monograph maps out the issues concerning multilateral competition policy from the southern perspective.

pp 38, #2003, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-32-8


6. Trade, Competition & Multilateral Competition Policy

The paper brings forward the debate vis-à-vis multilateral competition policy that is currently taking place at various fora. It analytically points out the hindrances in such a policy and highlights the need for a multilateral competition policy.

pp 36, #0005, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-35-2


7. All About Competition Policy & Law

This monograph, meant for advance learners, deals with various elements of competition law and policy in a comprehensive manner. It describes the various restrictive business practices (RBPs) in the market place.

pp 70, #0006, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-37-9


8. All About International Investment Agreements

This briefing kit for the general reader providing an overview of recent trends in the proliferating number of bilateral and regional investment agreements. It highlights key issues in these agreements and considers past initiatives and prospects at the multilateral level.

pp 64, #0102, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-39-5


9. Competition Policy & Law Made Easy

This publication is meant for the layperson, aims at introducing the subject of competition law and policy.

pp 36, #0109, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-48-4


10. Making Investment Work for Developing Countries

One in CUTS series of monographs on investment and competition policy, this paper intended to introduce investment related aspects to a wide audience.

pp 38, #0110, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-49-2


11. Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: What Economists (Don’t) Know and What Policymakers Should (Not) Do!

This monograph discusses the global FDI trends and determinants, and tries to highlight some of the arguments on the link between FDI and growth.

pp 30, #0216, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-70-0


12. Market Practices in Zambia: Where do the Consumers Stand?

The study delves deep into competition and consumer related issues in different sectors of the Zambian economy. It outlines what types of anti-competitive behaviours are presently encountered in Zambia and what actions the state and consumer groups have taken in response.

pp 28, #0310, Rs.100/US$5, ISBN: 81-87222-81-6


13. Competition and Consumer Protection Scenario in Uganda

This monograph outlines various anti-competitive behaviours in Uganda and apprises of actions the state has taken in response.

pp 40, #0313, INR100/US$5, ISBN: 81-87222-85-9


14. Why is a Competition Law Necessary in Malawi?

This monograph provides an overview of Malawi’s regulatory regime (including competition regime); prevailing anti-competitive practices in Malawi and reviews the efforts taken/not taken to address these problems.

pp 42, #0302, MWK150/INR100/US$5, ISBN: 81-87222-73-5


15. FDI as a Source of Finance for Development

This monograph, written by Dr. Peter Nunnenkamp of the Kiel Institute of World Economics, Germany, and published by CUTS, is an important contribution towards answering the question: Does turning to FDI put development finance on a more sustainable path?

pp 27, #0308, Rs. 50/$10, ISBN: 81-87222-80-8


16. Home Country Measures and FDI: Implications for Host Country Development

This monograph highlights various measures adopted by home countries to influence outbound FDI and draws attention to issues and implications for developing host countries.

pp 31, #0316, Rs. 50/$10, ISBN: 81-87222-90-


17. Restrictive and Unfair Trade Practices — Where Stands The Consumer?

This handbook, in its simple question-answer format, tries to outline the nature of restrictive trade practices, unfair trade practices and unethical conducts, and the response of law to them in different countries.

pp 42, #0318, Rs. 50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-94-8


18. Incentives-based Policy Competition for FDI

This case study seeks to address the incentive-based policy competition for FDI among sub-national jurisdictions in three developing countries —Brazil, China and India.

pp 64, #0331, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-006-9


19. Investment Policies in Select Large Emerging Markets – Performance and Perceptions

This report attempts to compare and contrast the national regulatory regimes and policy issues relevant to FDI in three large emerging economies – Brazil, India and South Africa – with a view to build capacity and awareness in investment issues and draw out the lacunae of the present system.

pp 44, #0335, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-004-2


20. Investment Policy in Select Least Developed Countries — Performance and Perceptions

The report studies the investment regimes of select Least Developed Countries (LDCs): Bangladesh, Tanzania, and Zambia. It compares the performance of the countries in attracting FDI and the civil society’s views on FDI there.

pp 56, #0337 INR50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-010-7


21. Synergising Investment with Development

This paper is a part of a seven-country two-year project “Investment for Development” and looks at some of the key sectors that contribute significantly towards development.

pp 53, #0343, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-016-6


22. Strategising Investment for Development

The paper highlights the global & regional trends and policies in the project countries and in FDI, and the effectiveness of national policies.

pp 60, #0342, Rs. 50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-015-8


23. Investment Policy in India – An Agenda for Action

This booklet analyses India’s FDI trends and policies, and suggest action points for governments, civil society, and inter-governmental organisations.

pp 30, #0322, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-97-2


24. Investment Policy in Zambia – An Agenda for Action

This report recommends action points for policy makers, inter-governmental agencies, and the civil society organisations for economic reforms and to enhance the role of FDI in the country.

pp36, #0333, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN 81-8257-008-5


25. Investment Policy in Brazil – An Agenda for Action

This report discusses briefly Brazil’s investment policy, its performance, perceptions and stakeholders’ views on FDI and comes out with policy recommendations for the government, civil society and intergovernmental organisations.

pp 32, #0329, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-002-6


26. Investment Policy in Tanzania – An Agenda for Action

This booklet advocates better approaches for enhancing the benefits of FDI in Tanzania. It is also a useful tool for other developing and transitional economies facing similar constraints in their effort to enhance the role of FDI in their countries.

pp 32, #0323, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-87222-98-0


27. Investment Policy in Bangladesh – An Agenda for Action

This report suggests a number of recommendations to attract FDI to Bangladesh, which is substantial for economic growth.

pp 44, #0334, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-003-4


28. Investment Policy in Hungary – An Agenda for Action

This paper discusses involvement of transnational corporations, its benefit, qualified labour and quality infrastructure and other issues related of current and long-term capital attraction capacity of Hungary.

pp 32, #0340, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-014-X


29. Investment Policy in South Africa – An Agenda for Action

Part of a comparative study of seven developing countries’ investment regimes, this report attempts a diagnosis of South Africa’s investment climate and regime in the context of its economic environment and policy framework.

pp 40, #0330, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-001-8


30. Towards a Healthy Competition Culture…

This monograph is prepared under the competition policy project (7-Up), of CUTS, intends to build awareness in policymakers and negotiators and stimulate debate on competition policy in the national and international contexts.

pp 68, #0304, Rs.50/US$5, ISBN: 81-87222-75-1


31. Friends of Competition

This monograph is prepared under the competition policy project (7Up2) of CUTS, aims to outline an ideal capacity building programme for promoting an effective and healthy competition regime in the targeted countries.

pp 40, #0301, Rs.100/US$10 ISBN: 81-87222-72-7


32. FDI’s Role in Development – Analysis of Investment Policy Regimes in Bangladesh, India, Hungary, Zambia, South Africa, Tanzania and Brazil

The report highlights the global and regional trends and policies in the project countries and in FDI, and the effectiveness of national policies.

pp 114, #0411, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-029-8


33. Experiences from a Project an FDI policy practices & perceptions in Bangladesh, Brazil, Hungary, India, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia OR, How to Implement a Multi-country Project

This paper is the final process report of the project: “Investment for Development”. It highlights the trends investment policies, practices, and perceptions in seven developing and transition economies and creates awareness and building the capacity of the civil society on national investment regimes and international investment issues.

pp 54, #0418, Rs.50/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-034-4


34. Competition and Consumer Protection in Kenya

This report looks at some of the key sectors that contribute significantly towards the Kenyan economy and finds out whether competition really exists.

pp 37, #0409, Rs.100/US$10, ISBN: 81-8257-024-7

35. Why India Adopted a new Competition Law

This monograph throws light on the developments in the Indian competition regime, since it inception. The motivations that lead to evolution of the new competition law.

pp 48, #0612, Rs.50/US$10

36. Politics TrumpsEconomics – Lessons and experiences on competition and regulatoryregimes from developing countries

Co-authoredwith Manish Agarwal and V V Singh, this monograph suggests that mereadoption of regulatory laws is a necessary but not a sufficientcondition to be part of the market reform agenda. Implementation isequally important. Most developing countries have adoptedmarket-oriented reforms as part of the globalisation andliberalisation process but due to various reasons, distortions arisein the working of the market process.

pp 56, #0709, Rs 50/US$10, ISBN: 978-81-8257-087-0

37.Policy-induced Barriers to Competition in Ethiopia

This Monograph attempts to portray thecompetition regime in Ethiopia. It shows that irrespective of adecade and a half of market reform measures, economic restructuringstill remains partial in the country. Specifically, the paper showsthat many important regulatory provisions, including the competitionlaw are deliberately designed such that it could be easilymanipulated. This has created a distorted competition environment inthe country.

pp 36, #0810, Rs 100/US$15,ISBN: 978-81-8257-105-1


38. Competition Law andIntellectual Property Rights:Controlling Abuse or Abusing Control?

This monograph examines the interface betweencompetition law issues and the protection of IPRs bothcomplementarities and conflicts. It discusses the IPRs-relatedcompetition issues, highlighting abuse of a dominance position dueto IPRs. In addition, the paper provides an overview of thecompetition law and IPRs in developing countries.

pp 56, #0814, Rs 200/US$15,ISBN: 978-81-8257-107-5


39.Competition Policy: Essential Element for Private Sector Developmentin Eastern and Southern Africa

This monograph highlights impediments to theeffective operationalisation of competition regimes in the region,which has been argued to be an imperative for private sectordevelopment therein. It collates knowledge and evidences from thecountries to explore the contribution of a sound competition regimeto private sector development in the region. It adds to the body ofliterature to motivate the business community in supportingcompetition reforms at the national and regional levels.

pp 74, #0821, Rs 200/US$15,ISBN: 978-81-8257-114-3


40. New’Windows’ on Competition: The Microsoft Case

This monograph examines Microsoft’s variousalleged anti-competitive practices and its long-lasting battle withsuccessive trials from nations worldwide. It also looks into somelegal issues that should be discussed that are based on Microsoft’sexperiences. The ultimate objective is to raise awareness on the newapplication of competition law, especially for reference indeveloping countries to deal with cases of the same nature.

pp 44, #0826


Discussion Papers

1. Multilateralisation of Sovereignty: Proposals for Multilateral Frameworks for Investment

This paper analyses the past, present and future of investment liberalisation and regulation. It also contains an alternative draft International Agreement on Investment.

pp 148, # 9807, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-87222-14-X


2. Investment Policy in Zambia – Performance and Perceptions

The report addresses reviews of Zambian investment policies and their performance, and aims to create awareness about the investment policymaking process by a study of data and the perceptions of stakeholders.

pp 48, #0338, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-011-5


3. Investment Policy in Brazil – Performance and Perceptions

This report highlights the important issues in policy reform, investment trends, and the civil society’s view on the contribution of foreign investment to Brazil’s economy. It is a handy guide for comparative studies of other developing countries.

pp 46, #0320, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-87222-95-6


4. Investment Policy in Tanzania – Performance and Perceptions

The report captures the perceptions of the Tanzanian civil society of the contribution and benefits of FDI to Tanzania’s social and economic development and its potential in attracting FDI.

pp 68, #0336, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-009-3


5. Investment Policy in India – Performance and Perceptions

This report attempts to study the investment regime and the actual performance of India, with a view to build capacity and awareness of investment issues and draw out the lacunae of the present system.

pp 52, #0332, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 8257-007-7


6. Investment Policy in South Africa – Performance and Perceptions

This report reviews key policy issues related to investment in South Africa, and the performance and perceptions of investment with a specific focus on FDI. It provides an understanding of the interface between economic performance and domestic and foreign investments.

pp 67, #0341, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-013-01


7. Investment Policy in Bangladesh – Performance and Perceptions

The study makes a good attempt at understanding the investment regime and the actual performance of multiple actors in the field of FDI in Bangladesh, in the global and national context.

pp 62, #0339, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-012-3


8. Investment Policy in Hungary – Performance and Perceptions

The following analysis tries to sum up both the gains and pitfalls of this FDI-led economic development model in Hungry.

pp 43, #0405, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-020-4


9. Capacity Building on Infrastructure Regulatory Issues (I and II edition)

This document is intended to kick-start a debate among the stakeholders – the Government, regulatory bodies and civil society – to catalyse an appropriate regulatory environment in India.

pp 28, #0404, Rs.100/US$50, ISBN 81-8257-020-4


10. Multilateral Competition Framework: In Need of a Fresh Approach

The paper identifies the relevant competition problems and suggests a way forward for international cooperation to deal with them. It suggests that a brand new organization, dedicated solely to competition issues under the auspices of the UN, will be most suitable.

pp 68, #0506, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-055-7


11. Institutional Independence in India

In this paper, a comprehensive analysis of institutional independence in India has been done which would facilitate cross-disciplinary learning and identification of good and bad practices. The nature of the relationship which the Government should maintain with the institutions is highlighted in this paper.

pp 42, #0617, Rs.100/US$25, ISBN: 81-8257-080-8

12.Regulation of Higher Education in India

This paper presents a review of the progress madein higher education in India and examines the status of regulationin higher education in India and makes recommendations for changesin the regulation, to make the higher educational institutions moreproductive.



1. ReguLetter

This is a quarterly newsletter of CUTS-CCIER focuses on various issues relating to competition regulation under specific sections: macro, micro, restructuring, investment and privatisation, sectoral regulation, corporate issues and news and views. The ‘cover story’ highlights a relevant contemporary topic in competition in order to initiate a debate on it in the public domain. It also carries an Insert showcasing various activities of the Centre.

Rs.150/US$30 p.a.

2. Policy Watch

This is a quarterly newsletter covering developments on policy responses, implementation and distortions. Current developments in the areas of infrastructure, trade & economics, governance & reforms and accountability are covered in the newsletter.

Rs.150 p.a./US$30

Electronic Newsletters

7Up3 E-newsletter (7Update)

News stories and articles pertaining to competition and regulatory issues are very scarce in the 7Up3 project countries (Botswana, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Uganda). Therefore, the 7Up3 e-newsletter intends to fill up this void by presenting news related to the subject from the project countries, every once in two months. A brief overview of the project progress is also provided at the outset.

7Up2 E-newsletter

This is a bi-monthly e-newsletter of CUTS Centre for Competition, Investment & Economic Regulation (CUTS C-CIER). This e-newsletter, apart from providing a brief overview of the 7Up2 project progress also presents news stories/articles from the project countries (i.e., India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam) on competition and regulation related issues.

Briefing Papers
1.Using Competition Policy to Regulate MNC Behaviour in Namibia


2. Comparative Study of RegulatoryFramework in Infrastructure Sector:Lessons for India


3. Cross-Border Mergers and theExperience of Developing Countries


4. The Basics of Bid Rigging


5. Designing A Consumer PolicyFramework For Small States


6. ‘Public Interest’ Issues In Competition Analysis


7.Competition Policy in Malawi: A course to development


8. Factors Affecting Competition inthe Agricultural Produce Markets in India


9. Dealing With Anti-CompetitivePractices in the Indian Pharmaceuticals and the Health
    Delivery Sector


10. Competition Policy and EconomicGrowth –Is There a Causal Factor?


11. Predatory Pricing: Lessons forDeveloping Countries


12.Minibus Operators and Passenger Welfare in Malawi


13.Taking the Right Steps:Competition Administration in Eastern &Southern Africa


14. Sectoral Regulation –Challenges for the Developing World


15. Status of Competition andRegulation in India, 2007


16. Competition Concern in theFishery Sector in Cambodia


17. The WTO TelmexCase-Implications for Vietnam

18. Evolution of Competition Policy & Law


19. Private International Cartels – An Overview


20. Extraterritorial Application of Competition Laws in the US and theEuropean Union


21.CompetitionLaw and Intellectual Property Rights in Vietnam


22. Competition Scenario in the Telecommunication Sector in Cambodia,Laos and Vietnam


23. The Telmex Dispute at the WTO: Competition Makes a Backdoor Entry


24. Investment Facilitation andRegulation in Developing Countries


25. ‘ForeignDirect Investment and Competition Policy’


26. ‘Investment for Development-Civil Society Perception’


27. Competition Policy in South Asian Countries (CITEE: SACSNITI Briefing Paper)Rs. 20/US$5


28. Multilateral CompetitionAgreement (CITEE: IWOGDA Policy Brief) Rs. 20/US$5


29. Multilateral Framework onInvestment(CITEE: IWOGDA Policy Brief) Rs. 20/US$5


30. Ensuring Corporate SocialResponsibility: What is the World Thinking? (C-CIER: No.9/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


31. National Champions National Interests vs. Competition: Where toStrike the Balance? (C-CIER: No.8/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


32.Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement: What Can We Learn? (C-CIER: No.7/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


33.TheRole of International Cooperation in Building an EffectiveCompetition Regime (C-CIER: No.6/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


34.Competition and Sectoral Regulation Interface (C-CIER: No.5/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


35.Public Private Partnerships in the Essential Services Sector (C-CIER: No.4/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


36.Investment Policies that Really Attract FDI (C-CIER: No.3/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


37. How is FDI Related to Economic Development? (C-CIER: No.2/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


38. Pulling Up our Socks (C-CIER: No.1/2003) Rs. 20/US$5


39. Multilateral or BilateralInvestment Negotiations: Where Can Developing Countries MakeThemselves Heard? (CITEE: No. 9/2002) Rs. 20/US$5


40. Multilateral EnvironmentalAgreements, Trade and Development Issues and Policy OptionsConcerning Compliance and Enforcement(CITEE: No. 8/2002) Rs. 20/US$5


41. Regulating Corporate Behaviour (CITEE: No. 4/2002) Rs. 20/US$5


42. Foreign Direct Investment in India and South Africa: A Comparison of Performance and Policy (CITEE: No. 3/2002) Rs. 20/US$5

43. Dabhol: A Lesson to All (CART: No. 1/2002) Rs. 20/US$5
44. Contours of a National Competition Policy: A Development Perspective (CITEE: No. 2/2001) Rs. 20/US$5
45. The functioning of Patent Monopoly Rights in Developing Countries:In Whose Interest Rs. 20/US$5
46. Globalisation: Enhancing Competition or creating Monopolies Rs. 20/US$5
47. Trade, Competition & Multilateral Competition Policy (CITEE: No. 9/2000) Rs. 20/US$5
48. Competition Regime in India: What is Required? (CITEE: No. 5/2000) Rs. 20/US$5
49. TRIP’s Biotechnology and Global Competition
50. Curbing Inflation and Rising Prices- The need for price Monitoring
51. Globalising Liberalisation Without Regulations! – Or, how to regulate foreign investment and TNCs (CUTS: No. 6/1996) Rs. 20/US$5
52. Competition Policy in a Globalising and Liberalising World Economy (CUTS: No. 4/1996) Rs. 20/US$5


53. Rational Drug Policy in South Asia-The Way Ahead


54. Trade, Labour, Global Competition and the Social Cause


Policy Briefs
1.Privatisation Initiative in Botswana: Any Bearing on Competition?


2.Competition & Regulatory Scenario in South and Southeast Asia
3. COMPETITION ISSUES IN THE MARKET ON FARM GOODS     From the rural poor to luxurious supermarkets: Who profits?
4. BetterRegulatory Framework for Economic Development – How?


Viewpoint Papers
1. Lapolitique de la concurrence et la politique de la protection desconsommateurs


2.Competition Authorities and Sector Regulators: What Is the BestOperational   Framework?


3. Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy


4. Competition Regime and Business Welfare


5. Trade Liberalisation and Competition


6. Competition Policy and Consumer Protection Policy
7. Multilateral Competition Framework: Where and How?


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